Friday, December 26, 2014

FFF ~ She's Crazy (But I'm Used to It)

            “I’m not gonna’ like this, am I?” I ask Mandy.
            She pushes me off the cliff in response.
            I fall fast. It's not like a movie where everything slows down and the hero has a chance to think about the mistakes in their life that led them to this moment. It would have to slow down a lot to give me time to think about all my mistakes, anyway. 
            But it happens in a second. I fall. I hit the ground. I blink up at Mandy, standing beside me.
            “I think this is yesterday,” she says, hands on her hips.


Today's Novel Idea Prompted by: "She never spoke, never made a sound, but the look in her eyes told me exactly what was about to happen." 

Read the other responses:

Click to read my other FFF responses

1 comment:

Ginny-Gin-Gin said...

I love the sentence, "It would have to slow down a lot to give me time to think about all my mistakes, anyway." There's so much said in that one sentence.
At least the main character lives through the cliff fall! I guess :D