Wednesday, May 14, 2014

WonHundred Word Wednesday - Box in the Attic

            The girl examined the plain wooden box in her attic. It was carved smooth, the wood was dark, and it was unexceptional in all respects except one: she had never seen it before.
            With trembling fingers, she lifted the lid and looked inside. Cold struck in her in the face. Darkness filled the box. The darkness tugged her inside. One scream. She was gone.
            The wizard danced out of his hiding place, doubled over with laughter. This prank worked even better than his pillar of flames! He picked up the box and went on his way to find another victim.


Today's Novel Idea Prompted by: "You find a box in the attic that isn't yours.” Courtesy of WonHundred Word Wednesday! Read the other responses: 


Anonymous said...

Mean wizard! ;)

Laura D. Bastian said...

BAM! love how you tied it with the other prompt. This dude is mean, but kinda fun.

Ginny-Gin-Gin said...

That wizard! I'm sensing that he's becoming a favorite of yours ;D

AM Woods: said...

Haha! I am liking this wizard. I'm also waiting for his comeuppance :)

Canda said...

I totally agree with Alison. I'd also like to know what he's doing with the people he's taking.

Jessica Winn said...

YES. He's back! :) I really like this character. He is just plain up to no good.

Miranda D Nelson said...

Hahaha! Love the tie in to the other prompt! So fun!