Friday, March 20, 2015

Flash Fiction Friday: The Butterflies

            “Please,” Shelly clutched my arm, “Help him.” She gestured to the door off the lab.
            I went through and caught my breath. The hallway was filled with hundreds of butterflies, nestling on the walls. It took me a few minutes to find the scientist; he was covered in butterflies, too. But I could see his eyes. Haunted. Streaming tears.
            “It’s beautiful,” he whispered.
            “It is.” I knelt before him. “Doctor Richards, will you come with me for a little while?”
            “They told me about where they come from.” His shoulders shook, dislodging a few butterflies. “I want to go there.”


Today's Novel Idea Prompted by: "The hallway was filled with hundreds of butterflies, all nestling on the walls."


elizabeth.winter said...

Hi! I was wondering where you get the prompts for these Flash Fiction Friday things, is there somewhere I have to follow? I think it would be really fun to try, and good writing inspiration/practice!
Thanks a bunch!
~Sarah <3

Ginny-Gin-Gin said...

Eesh. Once I told Kendle a scary story about a moth and your story reminds me of how scary insects can be, even the pretty ones that are usually frightening!

The image of Doctor Richards' eyes looking out from a wall of butterflies is such a haunting image. The beauty is there, that's all he can see, but we see the creepiness of it. Nice work :D

The Hot Girl in the Comic Shop said...

Sarah: I find prompts all over -- on different Pinterest boards, Tumblrs, and Facebook pages. One of my favorite Pinterest boards for prompts is:
Also, I run a Facebook page for prompts that you can find here:

elizabeth.winter said...

Thank you! :)