Saturday, April 14, 2012

Kate's Novel Idea Episode 1

Hey! So, I've started this vlog about writing. This is the first episode, and it's just an introduction, nothing too exciting, but I'd love it if you'd check it out ^_^


Today's Novel Idea Prompted by: "Cut up a paper bag (phone book page, newspaper, ...) into 20 pieces of various sizes. Write 20 words on the pieces. Any 20 words. Mix them up then shuffle them into a poem. Or intriguing phrases to use in a writing piece." Courtesy of Dragon Writing Prompts.

1 comment:

aras said...

Ohmigosh omigosh omigosh 8D FINALLY someone who says talking to yourself is NORMAL!!! :D A. That's was so funny XD B. I totally am like that inner-writer when i'm working "This is awesome" five seconds later "This sucks so badly". I love this blog!!! Post more vlogs maybe? And definetly keep posting prompts and your writing, it's really inspiring and fun to read :)